Data Annotation | Data Collection | Data Licensing | AI, ML, Tech. Consulting | Advanced & Tech. LLM | RPO & Staffing

Qualitas Global, awarded the 10 Most Promising Data & Image Annotation Companies

Data annotation and labeling is a field that reports being emerging in India and creating major impacts. According to a study by Grand View Research, the market size of the global data annotation tools is predicted to reach $2.57 billion by 2027. In between the major job cuts, and increased automation, India can leverage this opportunity and support the workforce while existing jobs becomes an illusion. Machine learning algorithms are stated to be trained on a vast image pool that requirse precise marking and appropriate labeling. Like for example, in case of image recognition systems, which is in a supervised learning application, large volumes of clean and properly labeled data are required to train the multiple iterations for building a model which have the accuracy of the highest…

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