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Audio Annotation

Expand the capabilities of your AI and machine learning systems with professional Audio Annotation services provided by Qualitas Global. With our unmatched expertise in Audio Annotation, we empower you to extract invaluable insights and fully unleash the potential of your audio content. Our experienced annotators diligently label and annotate various audio elements, enabling your AI models to accurately recognize, classify, and analyze sound, ultimately gaining deep insights into your audio content.


Audio Annotation is a versatile tool that finds widespread application across diverse industries, ranging from speech recognition and voice assistants to call center analytics, audio surveillance, and music analysis, amongst others. Its utility extends across various sectors, facilitating enhanced speech understanding, precise audio classification, in-depth analysis, and immersive audio experiences. By leveraging the capabilities of Audio Annotation, businesses can tap into a vast array of opportunities and fully capitalize on the transformative potential embedded within their audio data.

Types of Audio Annotations


Our expertise lies in accurately annotating speech within audio recordings. Our skilled annotators meticulously transcribe spoken words, facilitating a wide range of applications, including voice assistants; transcription services, and call center analytics.


Our Emotion Annotation services meticulously label and tag emotions in audio recordings, enabling AI/ML models to understand specific emotions. It is valuable for sentiment analysis, voice analytics, and psychological research.


We are experts in annotating and classifying various sounds in audio recordings. Our skilled team precisely labels sound segments, enabling advanced AI/ML models to classify and understand audio content effectively making it invaluable for audio surveillance, soundscape analysis, and acoustic monitoring.

Music Genre

With our exceptional Audio Annotation services, we specialize in precise music genre classification. Our accurate annotations enable AI/ML models to effectively classify and organize music, enhancing applications like music recommendation, playlists, and audio streaming.


TBD - We will give you the best service in audio classification as per your needs regardless of region, ethnicity, culture, language, and dialect.

Natural Language

TBD - Our expert team will help you to analyze and detect the language and translate it as per your need regardless of region, ethnicity, culture, language, and dialect.


TBD - We can help you identify music and its details, such as themes, genres, musicians, and more.